The Singaplore Experience

Branding, UI/UX, Digital Experience Innovation

February 2024

The Project Brief

Create immersive digital experiences using AR/VR and Generative AI to engage Singaporeans in preserving and celebrating their diverse cultural heritage. These initiatives aim to instill pride, appreciation, and active involvement in safeguarding Singapore’s cultural legacy for future generations.

The Solution

Singaplore offers an interactive exploration of Singapore’s towns and cultural hotspots via a fun public transport experience. Users can enjoy a flexible tour starting from different locations, with easy access to buses and MRT for seamless travel. Utilizing the transport system, users embark on a self-guided virtual tour of Singapore’s past cultural heritage, including townscapes and kampungs. By using the transport system (bus, MRT) to embark users on a self guided virtual tour of the past cultural heritage of Singapore town and kampungs that used to exist.


A series of posters showcasing eye-catching 3D models of old iconic Singaporean buildings encouraging viewers to scan the QR code for an augmented reality experience of the location. The 3D Models were textured and composited in Blender, while typography & graphics were processed in Illustrator.

Mobile App

The Singaplore App is a comprehensive tool for users to discover new bus routes and information about historical sites in Singapore. It provides trails and bus guides for thorough exploration. Moreover, it features a real-time AR-based explorer showcasing historical landmarks virtually!

Augmented Reality Experience

The provided trails include stops and checkpoints, allowing people to view buildings from a different time era through AR. This showcases a life-sized 3D model in real-time.

The provided trails include stops and checkpoints, allowing people to view buildings from a different time era through AR. This showcases a life-sized 3D model in real-time.

Play Video

AR Feature Video 1

Play Video

AR Feature Video 2

Singaplore Website

Interactive website for users to explore the various features and trails provided by the Singaplore app.

Physical Brand Merchandise

Various memorabilia and merchandise, such as stickers and water bottles, are used to promote brand awareness among users. Moreover, these items may be distributed during community meet sessions

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